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Community Life

ConneXtion - Small Groups

Join a ConneXtion Group


Connecting is what we do! You are invited to be a part. Many have found the joy and growth through weekly gatherings in small groups even on Zoom over the last year. All are invited to be a part.

These are the kind of comments we hear:

  • “This has been a stimulating time, we want to keep meeting, so good to get to know each other better.”

  • “I could have not survived the last few months without this support, I have been strengthened!”

ConneXtion Groups meet on a variety of times and days of the week. View a list of ConneXtion groups, Bible studies, and other small group opportunities on our Find a Group Page, which includes scheduled meeting times and ability to contact the group leader to join the group or for more information. You can also contact Kate in the church office for more information.

Caring Ministries


  • Benevolence - direct assistance to people in need

  • Blood Drives

  • Casseroles on Call

  • College Ministry

  • Community Kitchen

  • Snohomish Food Bank

  • Interfaith Shelter

  • Memorial Services

  • Need/Lend a Hand

  • Snohomish Cold Weather Shelter

  • Transportation Ministry

  • Visitation


Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry is made up of Christ-centered, trainied caregivers who serve in the faith and life of our congregation and community. A Stephen Minister provides a confidential caring relationship for a person experiencing life changes. FPCS currently has twelve active Stephen Ministers.


Prayer Ministry

We have an online prayer group as well as a group that gets together weekly at the church.


Prayers and Squares Quilters

Prayers and Squares, a ministry of care, prayer, and nurture through quilts, is hoping other folks would like to to join us. Over the years, we have had as many as 12 members, but currently, we have five. We are not daunted – in fact we have now blessed others with over 215 quilts!

We welcome all who are interested to join us on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 AM-Noon in the Lake View Hall, regardless of quilting knowledge. God finds a way to use all our talents in this ministry.

local & Global Missions


Our church strives to follow Jesus' urging in carrying out His mission in the world. Much of the response to God's call to care for His people springs from within the congregation as individuals, families, and small groups acting on their own to reach out. We also  support various missions as a church body, with support coming from budgeted giving, special offerings, the Alternative Gift Market, and designated giving from individuals. The list below details a few of the many missions we support, both local and worldwide.


  • Counseling Center of North Puget Sound

  • Afghan Mercy Hospital

  • Baby Home - HELP International

  • Cameroonian Chaplaincy - supporting our sometime Missionary in Residence

  • Christian Veterinarians in Ethiopia

  • Pilgrims of Ibillin

  • Presbyterian World Mission

  • Tierra Nueva and People's Seminary

  • Wycliffe Bible Translators

  • Biennial Mission Trip to Guatemala (pictured)




  • Alternative Gift Market

  • CROP Hunger Walk

  • Eagle Wings Pool Party

  • YWCA Professional Women's Wardrobe

  • Women's Christmas Party at Everett Gospel Mission

  • Bread for the World

Church socials

  • Round-Robin Dinners

  • January Chili Cook-off

  • Holy Week Soup Suppers

  • July Ice Cream Social

  • September Salmon Barbecue

  • Consecration Sunday Dinner


Children's Ministry

​Children in Worship

  • Children and their voices are always welcome for the entirety of worship. 

  •  Families are invited to sit in the pews near the "praygrounds" -- the child-sized tables located at both sides of the sanctuary front. 


Godly Play

  • Children aged 3 years through 5th grade are invited to Godly Play, in the education wing,

  •  After the children's sermon. They should be picked up there at the end of the service.



  • Our loving nursery staff will gladly welcome and provide childcare for infants and toddlers for the entirety of worship.

Women's Ministry



  • The Women of FPCS gather once or twice a year for day or weekend retreats.


 Book Club

  • The Book Club meets once a month for a potluck salad lunch, and reviews the selected book of the month.



  • Join us in the Spring as we gather to share tea and fellowship time together.


Farmer's Markets

  • During the summer, enjoy the Women's Ministry Farmer's Markets which fund scholarships so that no one is left out of our retreats.


Bunco Parties

  • Women's Ministry offers Bunco parties two to three times each year.


For more Information

  • Looking for more information about our Women's Ministries and how you can join in? Email the office for an introduction to our Women's Ministry leader. 

Men's Ministry

There's a place for you in the Men's Ministry of FPCS. From Sunday morning men's fellowship to worship to service here and abroad . . . our men are an active group.


For more information, or to get connected with our Men's Group leader, please email the office at


Men's Sharing, Caring Group

You are welcome to join the Men's Support Group, 7:00 AM Sunday mornings in the Multi-Purpose Room.

Snohomish Cabin Work Project at Tall Timber

Worship Music

Handbell Choir

  • Led by Sally Hart, our Bell Choir delights the congregation with their music. You are invited to join the bell ringers, regardless of skill. "We all start as beginners and learn together." Bell Choir rehearses Thursdays at 7PM. Join us! ​


Chancel Choir

  • FPCS enjoys a rich musical tradition. At the forefront is our Chancel Choir, led by Music Director, Hanna Cho. The choir rehearses first and last Sundays each month. All are welcome to join us! 


Youth Choir

  • Our new Youth Choir is forming now. Led by Rita Stoess, the Youth Choir will rehearse with, learn from and sing with our Chancel Choir. For more information, please email

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